Service Management & Operation Excellence

Developing policies & procedures leading to ISO Certification

Our project focused on elevating the operational capabilities of privately-held distribution companies (DSOs) through a multifaceted approach. The initiative encompassed various key components that were meticulously designed to enhance efficiency, align with international best practices, and empower the DSOs for sustainable success.

The project commenced with a comprehensive gap analysis aimed at shaping a strategic vision for the DSOs. This assessment paved the way for the development of 23 policies and procedures, which formed a standardized framework to guide operations in accordance with international best practices.

Implementation and staff capacity building formed integral phases of our engagement. We undertook comprehensive measures to enhance both management and commercial aspects, imparting knowledge and skills that empowered the teams to operate at peak efficiency.

Central to our project was the pursuit of ISO-20000 certification, representing a significant milestone. The certification process validated our commitment to excellence, underscoring our dedication to benchmarking against global standards.

Our efforts culminated in the creation of a robust action plan, a detailed roadmap that harnessed international best practices. This plan not only set out a clear activity timeline but also delineated the deployment sequence, ensuring a seamless integration of enhancements.

The project delivered standardized policies and procedures that aligned with international best practices, facilitating smooth operations. The executable action plan, complete with detailed timelines, provided a clear path forward for the implementation of enhancements, further solidifying the group’s operational excellence.